Broan NuTone - Blowing the Blues and Germs Away with High Tech Ventilation

When Albert and Christina Cummings, fourth generation custom home builders, move into their new home in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, they’ll be able to breathe fresh mountain air inside their home as well as outside. Their house, dubbed the “House that Blues Built” in a nod to Albert’s second career as a renowned blues guitarist, will include the latest in high tech fans and protection against germs from Broan-NuTone.
The house will have the Overture system, which provides automated indoor air quality solutions, and the Broan SurfaceShield Exhaust Fan w/ LED and Vyv Antimicrobial Virus Killing Violet Light, which provides 110 CFM ventilation.
The Cummings chose to add SurfaceShield in several rooms that are more likely to be damp and therefore conducive to germs, mold, and mildew.
We’re beyond sold on SurfaceShield and Overture after we watched the videos about how they work,” says Albert. “The fans with the LED light that kills germs and mold and microbes but are safe to use all the time are impressive. We also like the humidity sensors and plan to add one to the guitar room.” |
The Overture system includes wall controls, room sensors, and smart plugs that connect to a cloud-based system that controls all of the connected ventilation fans and fresh air system.
“When one of the Smart Wall Controls or Smart Room Sensors senses a rise in indoor air pollution such as humidity, CO2, VOCs and small particles, the system automatically turns on the nearest connected ventilation fan and the home’s fresh air system. The fans take care of the immediate pollution problem while the fresh air system jumps into boost mode, introducing a large supply of fresh air while flushing out stale air. Once the pollutant is gone, the system goes back to its normal running rate,” says Dave Jones, senior marketing communications and brand manager for Broan-NuTone. “We’ve updated the system to include the EPA AQI (air quality index) score so that the system takes outdoor air quality into account when deciding if it should introduce air from outside.”
“We’ve updated the system to include the EPA AQI (air quality index) score so that the system takes outdoor air quality into account when deciding if it should introduce air from outside.” |
For example, Jones explains, if particulates are high outside due to high pollen counts or smoke, Overture automatically turns off the ERV until it’s safe to bring in outdoor air again.
“SurfaceShield’s LED light with Vyv technology kills mold, microbes, yeast and germs,” Jones says. “But the important thing is that this isn’t a UV light so it’s completely safe for people, plants and pets. You can leave it on 24/7.”
SurfaceShield will be in multiple rooms, including the mudroom, which is a prime place for bacteria to grow on damp clothes and tools.
“We’re also putting them in the exercise room and bathrooms,” Albert adds. “Besides moisture removal and killing germs, SurfaceShield reduces intense cleaning by preventing mold and mildew growth.”
The Cummings are also installing the Broan-NuTone Sensaire Humidity Sensing Wall Control in the garage.
“Ventilation in the garage is especially important in northern locations because the snow, salt and rain mean there’s moisture in the air that can create condensation in a conditioned space,” Jones says. “Sometimes you’ll see people with a frozen garage door because of that. The humidity sensor and wall control can automatically operate the connected ventilation fans to get rid of moisture.” |
Overture, SurfaceShield and other smart ventilation products improve indoor air quality, period.
By Michele Lerner